The unique story of GEMS International School uses assessments to identify misconceptions, work on them, and then observe evidence of improvement in learning. Every school should read this story.
How are the teachers in this Dubai school making sure that a topic is understood well before they move to the next topic?
Why a teacher didn't reveal the answer.
Read the case study: How Open Door's Thinking Assessment made learning better among students at Modern English School.
This case study is about two schools who partnered with Open Door. Through their partnership with Open Door, these schools have shifted their focus from checking to improvement.
The use of technology in the classroom can be a game changer. But are all interventions equally useful? This article compares the learning benefits of using typing vs. handwritten note-taking styles.
Can you tell the difference between knowledge and the appearance of knowledge? This article will help you figure out the difference. Keep on reading to know more...
Online classes may appear to give a pleasant experience to learners. But how much do they learn? Read this article to know what we know from the latest research in this area.
Why do kids don't like to read some books or topics? Research says the answer lies in understanding cognitive load. Keep reading to know more.
Keep reading this article to learn about the research that tells us that teaching is the best way to learn a topic.
Research tells us: Yes! It may seem odd, but there are many advantages of testing children on material teachers have not even taught them. Keep reading this article to find out.
If teachers find science amazing, it will show in their eyes & in their voice. This sense of WOW will then flow into children. Let us take the example of three science concepts - Respiration, Microorganisms and Gravity - to understand how teachers can develop concept appreciation.
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